Publication date January 21, 2022

10 Dating Tips That Will Help You Find Mr/Mrs. Right

dating tips to keep your love alive

Dating is all fun and games until one day you wake up and turn 30. 

And very suddenly every relationship you have becomes more about settling down, finding the right partner, and having your own person for life. If you truly know what you want and do manage to find the person who ticks every box, then good for you! We are only 20% jealous. 

But if you, like the rest of us, are still feeling overwhelmed or under pressure to make your next date your whole future, then this list will help you explore the right aspects of dating to help you prep.

Here are 10 tips to dating that will help you prepare for Mr/Mrs. Right

Know the Difference Between Wants and Needs

Separate what you want from what you require in a companion. Requirements aren't negotiable, but wants are.

Occupation, intellect, and physical characteristics like height, weight, and hair color are examples of desires. Even if certain characteristics appear to be critical at first, you'll often discover that you've been restricting your options unnecessarily. For example, finding someone who is interested rather than incredibly brilliant, or sensual rather than sexy, maybe more essential.

Needs differ from wants in that needs are the qualities that are most important to you, such as values, ambitions, or life goals. These aren't the kinds of things you can learn about someone by staring them down on the street, reading their dating profile, or sharing a quick cocktail at a pub before closing time.

Keep Your Expectations Real

When it comes to online dating, there are a few things to keep in mind. Keep in mind that first impressions aren't always correct. It takes time to truly get to know someone, and you must ideally have the opportunity to be with them in a variety of scenarios like stressful ones, family-time, and so on. 

Be Honest About Your Shortcomings

Be open and honest with yourself about your weaknesses and failings. Everyone has imperfections, and for a relationship to last, you need someone to love you for who you are, not who you wish you were or who they think you should be. Furthermore, what you consider a defect may be something that someone else finds cool and interesting.

Be Curious, Be Genuine

Keep an open mind. It shows when you're sincerely interested in someone else's thoughts, feelings, experiences, stories, and opinions—and they'll appreciate it. If you spend your time attempting to sell yourself to your date, you'll come across as a lot less attractive and fascinating. And there's no purpose in continuing the relationship if you're not sincerely interested in your date.

Be sincere. It can become extremely obvious if you show a fake interest in your partner. No one enjoys being misled or appeased. Your efforts are more likely to backfire than to help you connect and make a favorable impression. And it definitely does not serve the purpose of finding your partner for the long term.

Having Fun is Always Important

While the pursuit of a lifelong companion is an important affair, the journey need not be only about serious conversations. Having fun together with your date can be an incredible way for both of you to loosen up and shift the focus away from your partnership. Pick up a board game, or sign up for sporting activities together. It is also one of the most effective ways to genuinely enjoy each others’ presence.

Watch Out for Red Flags

Red flag actions can suggest that a relationship will not lead to a healthy, long-term partnership. Pay attention to how the other person makes you feel and trust your instincts. If you frequently feel insecure, humiliated, or underappreciated in your relationship, it may be time to reevaluate. Some things to watch out for can be a dependence on alcohol to keep the relationship alive, non-verbal communication seeming insufficient, controlling behavior, jealousy, and so on.

Mutual Trust is Everything

Trust doesn't build overnight; it takes time as your relationship with another person grows stronger. If you have trust issues—for example, if you've been betrayed, traumatized, or mistreated in the past, or if you have an insecure attachment—it may be impossible for you to trust others and find true love.

Your personal relationships will be controlled by fear if you have trust issues—fear of being betrayed by the other person, fear of being let down, or dread of feeling vulnerable. However, trusting others can be learned. You can discover the source of your mistrust with the help of qualified therapists and explore ways to develop richer, more rewarding relationships.

Fight Fair

It's critical that you aren't afraid of confrontation, no matter how you approach your relationship's differences. You must feel comfortable in order to communicate your concerns and resolve conflicts without being humiliated, degraded, or insisting on being right. Make sure that you don’t make your partner feel any of those as well.

Nurture Your Relationship

Make an investment in it. Without frequent care, no relationship will operate well, and the more you spend time with each other, the more you'll grow. Find things that both of your families can enjoy and make a commitment to participate in them, even if you're busy or stressed.

Maintain an open line of communication. Your partner isn't a mind reader - express yourself. The link between you will grow stronger and deeper when you both feel comfortable expressing your needs, worries, and desires.

Handle Rejections Gracefully

Whether you are getting rejected or are doing the rejection, you will be required to handle it at some point. It's unavoidable but failed relationships will let you understand more about what does not work for you. Rejection can be a lot less terrifying if you stay cheerful and honest with yourself and others. Just accept rejection as an unavoidable part of dating, but not spending too much time thinking about it, is the key.

Just remember to not take it personally or make it an obsession. Just take your time - acknowledge your feelings and learn from your experience.

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