Publication date April 18, 2022
9 Reasons Why You Should Be Playing Simulation Mobile Games

Many people consider video games as simplistic or the domain of couch potatoes, but did you realize that many aspects of these virtual worlds have real-world applications? Video games have always got a bad reputation (much like that estranged uncle who has gone and joined a band.) But long gone are those days when video games are about sitting in the dark for hours without moving. Games have become far more interactive these days — especially simulation games. These games not just engage kids and adults alike mentally, but they also get them moving physically.
Video games can aid in the development of manual dexterity
Games using controllers might be beneficial not just to your brain but to your hands as well. Researchers discovered that surgeons who played video games were faster at completing sophisticated procedures and made 37% fewer mistakes than those who didn't, well who would have thought of that? Special video games have also been used to help stroke victims regain control of their hands and wrists as a form of physical therapy.
Video games can increase gray matter in your brain
Gaming is actually a mental workout that is disguised as entertainment. According to studies, playing video games on a daily basis can increase gray matter and improve brain connectivity. (Muscle control, memories, perception, and spatial navigation are all linked to gray matter.)
Gamers might have stronger social skills than non-gamers
The perception of a shy person who uses video games to escape from reality is not the right representation of the ordinary gamer. Because certain video games have a social and collaborative component, previous research has revealed that children who played more video games were more likely to have strong social skills, perform better academically, and develop better relationships with other students. C’mon now guys, do we really need another reason?
Games can teach you how to tackle problems more effectively
Open-world, mission-based, and multi-level games are designed to be difficult puzzles that take a long time to solve. The solution varies from time to time depending on your activities in the game. In a fast-paced fantasy environment, learning to think on your feet and strategy is a skill that can be used in the real world. A long-term study released in 2013 found that students who played strategy-based games improved their problem-solving skills the next school year, and so tended to obtain better grades. So it’s play first and pray later for exams (but not really)!
As a player, you might become more physically active
Most major consoles now include technology that allows gamers to get up from their seats and onto their feet. Virtual reality gaming will take things to a whole new level in the future. Mobile game developers have also begun to develop games that are played across physical space, based on real-world location data and encouraging players to relocate in order to progress in the virtual world.
Video games can help you see better (What a shocker?)
Moms can’t tell us video games are spoiling our eyesight anymore — playing video games can genuinely improve your vision as long as you're not looking at the screen for 10 hours (or sitting two feet away). In one study, ten male students who had never played first-person action games were trained for 30 hours and then evaluated against ten non-gamers. Because of the improved spatial resolution, the students that played were able to perceive items more clearly in congested surroundings. They were able to train their brains to see smaller details because those nuances proved to be crucial in each game.
Video games can be beneficial to one's mental health (Who needs therapists, when we have games right? No, we are joking, therapy is definitely necessary.)
Some video games have been proven in studies to improve mood and heart rhythms, indicating that they may also assist in relieving stress. Numerous unrelated research has shown a link between video games and stress, which is why video games have been employed in treatment for over a decade.
They're a great method to trick yourself into learning something
There are video games for almost anything and everything on the internet these days. Developers understood early on that video games could be used to help children improve their reading and math skills. There are simulation games available now that include world history, food, politics, science, architecture, and other subjects you may not have learned about in school. And our generation was definitely not as lucky as you are.
Video games might motivate you to work more
With video games, you either win or keep trying until you reach your objective, learning from your failures as you go. As a result, some academics and educators say that video games might teach people to be more self-assured and to work toward their goals, treating each failure as an opportunity to learn.
What's your reason for playing today? Let us know in the comments below. You can also check out our massive repository of simulation games that are super fun!