Publication date January 6, 2023

A heartwarming tribute to Fred the Elephant Boy by his favorite author.

Recently a lot of sad news has been pouring in. A lot of talented and loved stars have been passing away. One more such loved actor passed away. Fred the Elephant Boy passed away at the age of 64. Reports suggest there were some complications due to some blood clots and that was the reason behind the demise. He was truly a loved actor and tributes are pouring in through social media. 

Fred the Elephant Boy

Source: Pinkvilla

Author JG Faherty took to Facebook to share his grief. In a Facebook post, he shared how he was introduced to Fred the Elephant Boy through Twitter. He also went on to tell the world about Fred’s love for horror fiction and how Fred never shy away from telling Faherty that he loved his books. The heartfelt post continued and Faherty shared a personal story that proved the one thing that everyone already knew about Fred. Fred the Elephant Boy was a kind and gentle soul.

Coming back to the incident that JG Faherty shared about Fred the Elephant Boy. JG Faherty ran a contest once where the one lucky winner would be a named character in Faherty’s book Ragman. Fred went out of his way to donate a chunk of his money to help the Hudson Valley Humane Society. You must be wondering why I said: “went out of his way”. Well according to Faherty Fred donated the money although he couldn’t afford it at the time. But Fred asked for one favor. His only request for the author was not to kill his character in the book. He wanted to be in the action and that’s why Faherty made him a cop who was assisting with the investigation of a murder. When Fred got to know about that he was over the moon with joy. One thing is for sure I never knew Fred the Elephant Boy was such a big reader of JG Faherty. 

If you are not familiar with the late actor’s work then you should check out The Howard Stern Show. Fred was a member of the Wack Pack on the show. You can guess by the name of the pack that these folks would be great for hanging out at a party. It was not just the group’s name that was wack, so were the personalities of the members of the group. The members were either mentally disabled, racist, or funny as heck. Apart from Fred the Elephant Boy, there were many other members like Daniel Carver, Debbie the Pet Lady, Joey Boots, Junior the Father, Bigfoot, and many more.

The host of The Howard Stern Show, Howard Stern himself said Fred was his favorite of the lot. Howard himself chose Fred to be on his show. Why do you ask? Howard Stern mentioned that the late actor's distinctive speech impressed him so much that he had to have him on his show. Both Howard and Fred the Elephant Boy were very close. So close that when Howard Stern won the Top Broadcaster Award from Billboard it was Fred who went to accept the award on Howard’s behalf. Howard said Fred was just an expert when it came to speeches.

He was always a kind and genuine person and this Fred proved again and again. When Fred the Elephant Boy was invited to a summer conference he requested Congress to change one particular rule. He wanted the rule of ALS patients having to wait five months before collecting their Social Security disability benefits. He was truly a gem of a person. May he now rest easy? Were you a fan of Fred the Elephant Boy too, comment down below?

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