Publication date January 4, 2024

How to Fix A Neck Hump? 5 Effective Exercises to Get Rid of Hump on Neck

Ever glance in the mirror and notice a slight bump at the back of your neck? Don't worry, that's a common sign of kyphosis, also known as "dowager's hump." While it might sound intimidating, the good news is that improving your posture and neck flexibility can make a significant difference.

hump neck

Source: Pure Posture

In this blog post, we'll dive into 5 simple yet effective exercises you can do at home to reduce that hump and embrace a more confident, pain-free posture. 

These five targeted exercises are easy enough for beginners but powerful enough for even advanced fitness pros who want more out of their workout routine. Get ready to say goodbye to the hunch and hello to a happier, healthier neck!

What is Hump Neck?

A Neck Hump also known as a Buffalo hump and dorsocervical fat pad in medical terms is something that many of us have probably seen or even had ourselves. The condition can be defined as the formation of a rounded hunch at the base of your neck. 

The fat accumulation on the back of the neck, between the shoulder blades, can also cause certain types of diseases, lousy posture, and even aging. So how will you find out if you have a hump neck? Take a look at your profile in the mirror, your back may appear as a rounded hunch and your head just forward. 

Here are some symptoms you may also experience If you have a neck hump:

What Causes Hump Neck 

It’s important to first understand what causes hump neck that can help you correct these mistakes and get back to your regular posture: 

1. Osteoporosis

If you don’t know already, osteoporosis is a condition that can lead to a compression fracture in the spine and cause an easily visible outward curvature of the upper back, known as the hunchback.

This occurs because the fracture leads to an increased forward curve, meaning the head is dropped forward more than usual, and you have to pull it back and up to continue looking forward.

When it comes to the prevention of conditions like osteoporosis, maintaining bone health is crucial. You can add a high-quality multivitamin into your daily routine to support your bone health and overall well-being.

2. Scheuermann's Kyphosis

In some cases, the spine might develop incorrectly, even before birth. Later, after a certain age kyphosis known as Scheuermann's Kyphosis appears in teens and causes the spine to form into a wedge instead of having a rectangle shape.

3. Arthritis

Arthritis mostly occurs when the body overcompensates for chronic neck pain linked with arthritis. Over time, if this pain continues to worsen, there is a good possibility for an increase in hunching and curving of the upper thoracic spine. Lower neck arthritis could cause the head to lean forward naturally to keep the arthritic area more comfortable. 

4. Aging

As we age, many of us may also experience a significant loss of mass in our spinal vertebrae resulting in postural changes and making any existing hump appear more pronounced.

5. Excess Fat

Excess fat accumulated around where the neck meets the upper back can manifest as a "hump."It doesn’t matter where it comes from, managing this hump requires awareness of how we stand and sit to keep our bodies balanced.

How to Fix Hump Neck 

In the early stages, you may think that the neck hump does not harm, aging is a very nice tale it tells about what is happening to your spine beneath the muscles and skin.

Long-term tension on the spine that results in the hump neck will speed up the aging process and could lead to other issues as you age, such as slipped discs, nerve compression, and muscle imbalances.

Neck humps can be hard to manage in the long run, so to relieve yourself from this issue, you need to give these exercises a swift go and then see the perfect solution for your hump neck.

1. Shoulder Rolls

Shoulder Rolls

Source: UltraCare PRO

A noticeable hump on the back of your neck can result in problematic issues like chronic pain and poor posture. By letting go of tension in the front and back part of the shoulders, this simple exercise can help alleviate that neck hump. You don’t need any special equipment or gym memberships, you can simply perform this exercise anytime, anywhere.

How to do it:

  • Start by standing with the back straight and keeping your arms at your sides.
  • Then, roll your shoulders 10-12 times in every direction, both forward and backward.
  • Take a little rest and do three more cycles.

2. Cat cow 

Cat cow

Source: Hinge Health

The cat-cow exercise is easy to do and can be quite beneficial in saving your posture. To start this exercise, lower yourself onto your hands and knees. Then, switch your position by rounding your back and looking toward, and then arching your back as you look up to the ceiling. Repeat this exercise 15-20 times. 

3. Diagonal Band Stretch

Diagonal Band Stretch

Source: Blackroll

If you want to improve your overall body posture and strengthen your back and shoulders, diagonal band stretches can be an awesome way to do it. 

This exercise promotes thoracic extension, which helps straighten up any rounded backs, and you'll feel it in the middle of your spine, exactly where most of us need more support.

How to do it:

  • Take a Resistance Band and with your hands stretch it diagonally facing the opposite way while you grip either end.
  • Then, make changes in the direction and stretch the band across your chest horizontally to complete the action.
  • At last, keep your thumbs up, relax your neck, and push your shoulder blades together while you tug on the band.

4. Wall Extension Stretches

Wall Extension Stretches

Another great way to fix a hump neck is a wall extension stretch. A wall extension stretch doesn't need any equipment and helps to lengthen the spine, widen the chest, and open the lungs while reducing pain. This stretch can also help you improve posture from sitting in a hunched-over position for extended periods, which can worsen neck hunching.

How to do it:

  • Touch the wall using both of your hands.
  • Hinge your hips backward while keeping a straight back, and then slowly lower your chest to the ground.
  • Don’t drag your head toward the ground and maintain it parallel to your spine.
  • Keep your back and chest straight, so they feel the stretch.
  • This position will loosen your chest muscles and mobilize your midback's rigid spine.
  • Repeat this exercise 10 times.

By doing this simple stretching a few times daily, you can make a big difference when trying to cope with or reduce your neck hump over time.

5. Thoracic Mobilization on a Ball

Thoracic Mobilization on a Ball

Thoracic Mobilization on a Ball is a go-to exercise for many to reduce the appearance of a neck hump. This exercise helps to increase your thoracic spine flexibility, mobility, and range of motion.

How to do it:

  • Kneel on the floor with your arms in front of you on the ball.
  • Place your forehead between your arms.
  • Slowly open your arms and let your head fall towards the ground.
  • Focus on keeping the area between your shoulder blades as leaning towards the ground.
  • Maintain your neck neutrally with no pain.
  • Inhale and feel a stretch in your upper back and make 10-15 repetitions.

Now, when you know exercises to get rid of the neck hump, it would not be wrong if we say, they don’t require much time. And if you perform these exercises often, you’ll experience less discomfort, have more energy, and generally feel better. However, remember that results will take time to appear. Over the coming months, you will definitely start to notice some changes in your posture, but sadly, they won’t happen immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How to get rid of neck hump?

By performing safe exercises, muscle stretching, and prioritizing professional guidance, you can eventually get rid of neck hump. 

Q. How to fix the hump on the back of the neck?

By taking professional guidance and performing regular safe postural exercises, you can fix the hump on the back of the neck. Here are some additional points to consider: 

  • Be mindful of your posture during all activities, even watching television
  • Keep your head in a level, neutral position
  • Switch positions often 
  • Gently stretch neck and shoulder muscles
  • Hold your shoulders back
  • Keep the spine tall and straight

Q. How to fix a neck hump while sleeping?

To fix a neck hump while sleeping requires a two-pronged approach, focus on improving your sleeping posture and perform exercises and stretches: 

  • Choose the right pillow
  • Sleep on your back or side
  • Incorporate daily exercises and stretches
  • Try gentle yoga poses 
  • Maintain good posture throughout the day

Q. Can you get rid of the neck hump?

Yes, anyone can get rid of the neck hump by focusing on some key things such as exercise, stretches, yoga poses, professional guidance, and maintaining good posture.

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