Publication date September 27, 2023

“Masterchef Celebrity” List of Possible Finalists Will Leave You Shocked

Masterchef Celebrity Colombia is surprising us all with their new episodes as they are coming, each chapter reveals new levels of competition. The celebrity contestants keep us anticipating for more new recipes and all that excitement of cooking within a certain time keeps us entertained. 

“Masterchef Celebrity” List of Possible Finalists Will Leave You Shocked

Source: IMDb

On the episode featured on 16 September, the celebrities had a new elimination challenge. And surprisingly in the beginning the new elimination challenge was not that difficult. The celebrity contestants had to pick the ingredients from the pantry and had no time limit placed for getting any ingredients they wanted. The contestants had the pantry open to them for all 60 minutes. However, there is a twist. The Masterchef celebrity contestant dishes had to go through strict evaluation and judgment in order to get qualified for the next round. The contestants also had to face various small tests in between that actually revealed the difficulty of the challenge.

Who got eliminated in Masterchef Celebrity?  

The celebrities had come with their unique and flavorful dishes. Martha Isabel Bolaños presented boronía, a dish from the Colombian coast with arabic roots. It is made with mashed eggplants and ripe plantains. Natalia Sanint presented a creamy shrimp and chorizo rice.

Juan Pablo Barragan made a dish out salmon on a bed of rice and spinach, the judges instantly liked his dish upon tasting which got him qualified for next episode. He was sent to the balcony at once much to the shock of his co-contestants. Nela Rodríguez had presented soufflé potatoes with fish and asparagus, which the judge Nicolás De Zubiría found a little bland to his liking. Diego Sanez cooked and presented a duchess potato with prawn and a mixture of mango and lemon, which the judge Rausch thought lacked a little bit of salt, but otherwise found good. 

After tasting all the dishes the judges came to the conclusion that Diego Saenz should leave the show. “I love him very much, I really do, thank you for being so loved, such a good person and such a good participant. Always a good competitor, he deserves all the best and the best will come to him ,” said Rausch. 

“Masterchef Celebrity” List of Possible Finalists Will Leave You Shocked

Source: Canal RCN

Diego Sáenz gave his list of MasterChef Celebrity finalists 

After getting eliminated from the Masterchef Celebrity he appeared as a guest in Buen día, Colombia, where he talked about his journey, culinary experiences and what he learned while he was on the show as a contestant. 

He also gave away some of the major hints to who would make it to the finals and it was in this talk show where he revealed all the names of his ex-contestants who would be competing in the finals. The presenter on the RCN morning news channel’s show boldly commented the names of the celebrities implied by Diego Sáenz; these contestants are Adrián Parada, Carolina Acevedo, Nela González and Natalia Sanint. 

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