Publication date May 16, 2022

The Worst Food Trends brought to us by TikTok

Since TikTok’s debut as back in 2014, it has managed to gain a whopping 700 million monthly active users globally. Today TikTok is not limited to people just trying out viral dance challenges. During the global lockdown, food TikTok took the spotlight and entertained millions around the world. This food TikToks crept onto everyone’s feed. They even forced Gordon Ramsay to come on the app just to roast these terrible “chefs”.

It’s hard to say where it all began but the most vivid memory of a TikTok food trend that I remember is of the Dalgona coffee and quickly moved on to making banana bread with rotten bananas. But where did TikTok food trends go from there? In this article let us take a look at some of the worst TikTok food trends that you probably steer clear of.

Lit Toaster Grilled Cheese

I hate cleaning pans, so I grab onto every opportunity I get to avoid it. So when I heard about the toaster grilled cheese, it sounded like the best thing ever. This was a food hack I could get behind. Even celebrity chefs like Jamie Oliver gave this a go. This food trend was on fire, like literally on fire. Turned out this trend which seemed ingenious was a straight-up fire hazard.

Turns out toasters were not designed to be on their side or to grill cheese on toast for that matter. While on the side toasters generate heat on the work surface, also anything leftover like crumbs can ignite and start a fire. CNN even ran a story about a woman who got terrified as her toaster burst into flames while trying this viral food trend.

Milking the Baked Feta Pasta

This TikTok pasta became a phenomenon that led to a shortage of feta cheese. Yes, a TikTok food trend led to a shortage of cheese. Though this recipe was first posted in 2019, and even back then grocery stores saw their cheese section gutted. But this trend resurfaced back in 2021 on TikTok. The viral pasta video racked up more than 600 million views on TikTok. This pasta had everyone drooling over their phones and eventually giving it a go.

This pasta was pitched on the social platform as a gourmet alternative to Kraft Mac n Cheese. This recipe demands high-quality ingredients to be used in very specific proportions but ironically nothing was specified. Many noted the dish as a delicious puddle. Well, a puddle is a puddle after all. But the time came to let this trend go when this novel dish turned into a meme.

Cereals, Those are Pancake Cereals!

Pancake Cereals recipes

Source: Mashable SEA

Boredom has been the driving force behind a lot of culinary innovations on TikTok. A lot of these innovations were seen in the breakfast options, cereals to be particular. Pancake cereals were among those innovative breakfast options that came out of TikTok. But this food trend was also an exercise in patience as you have to wait and flip each mini pancake individually until they are golden brown. But it seems worth the work right, sweet little pancakes in a bowl with milk.

Well, there is something fundamentally wrong with pancake cereals. For a start, it's not a cereal and it's missing the most important thing, the crunch. Mini pancake cereals turn into a soggy mush as soon as they hit the milk. Well, soggy pancakes in the morning are not my thing. I also tried it without milk but it doesn’t float my boat. 

Cotton Candy Pickle Anyone?

Cotton Candy Pickle

Source: WDBJ

Sometimes the weirdest combinations make the tastiest treats. I still remember my friend telling me to dip my fries in the shake. Well, I was taken back but tried it once and I was a fan. But I am still not sure about cotton candy pickles.

But weird pickle pairings are not that rare on the internet. Have you guys heard about the Koolickle, it is a pickle soaked in Kool-Aid to soak up the sweet flavor and a gorgeous red hue. Some influencers have also tried Mountain dew infused pickles and even vodka-infused pickles. So the question remains are cotton candy pickles worth a taste? Well, the people are divided. The cotton candy pickle which has over 7 million views on TikTok has received mixed reviews. While some think trash is the only place for this unique pickle pairing. And for others “This ain't so bad”.

Nature’s Cereal they Said?

Nature’s Cereal recipe

Source: Healthshots

It’s really easy to get caught up in viral TikTok trends. With so many trends going around today most don't stop and think, why do we need this? Well, nature’s cereals are another viral breakfast trend that got over half a billion views. Many admitted that they are addicted to this tasty treat which is very healthy. 

You must be wondering what is nature’s cereal? It is blueberries, strawberries, and pomegranate seeds in a bowl filled with coconut water to replace milk. That sounds more like a wet fruit salad. While it does have a lot of benefits, it lacks the full range of nutritional benefits a smoothie might have offered. So I will suggest next time just blend your nature’s cereals with a scoop of protein powder.

Comment down below if you have tried any viral TikTok trends.

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