Publication date March 2, 2022

Top 5 Zoom Games to play during long and boring Zoom Calls

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear Zoom? Work? Deadlines and reports? Status meetings? Well, that’s about to change when you learn of the awesome games you can play on zoom when you’re on long and boring work calls, which let’s be honest, could just be done with over email. 

Zoom Bingo

One of your notorious zoom members can send out bingo cards which can be either custom-made or made using a site like Designate one person to be the caller and have a fun time bingoing each other left and right. But let’s be honest, the game isn’t any less stressful than the call itself! 

Heads Up

Heads Up

Source: Google Play

First off, you will all need to download the app or have the physical card game with you. The interesting part is that you can choose from a variety of categories like romantic, comedies, food, etc. Then one of you holds the phone above your head while the others give clues on what the card is showing until you get it right.

Jackbox Games

Jackbox Games

Source: Reviewed

Jackbox Games is a group game with trivia questions that teases your brain in ways it hasn’t been teased even in those boring calls you’re trying to beat. From fill-in-the-blanks to coming up with fake words, they have all sorts of challenges. You can also battle aliens in a physics-based game with slingshots, power-ups, and more. 

All Bad Cards

All Bad Cards

Source: Twitter

In All Bad Cards, each player receives 10 response cards with one prompt card and a card queen in each round. It’s up to each person to pick a response they think the card queen will find the funniest in order to win the round. Rinse and repeat until the person with the most wins scores the ultimate victory.



Source: DOS Games

This game can be quite simple but can get a bit loud as you go. The two teams make top-10 lists for a particular topic like top 10 types of birds etc. Get more answers to match that list and you get more points. You need to have an unbiased member to be the judge, and the game has to be played really fast. If you have the game at home, then great or you can also take turns and make your own categories. 

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