Publication date October 11, 2023

Want to age gracefully in your 60’s? Do these in your 30’s.

Aging gracefully is more than looking a certain way, it is about being and feeling great about you and your body as you age. Yes, it's true that you will get wrinkles and your skin will sag as you age, but if you want to age gracefully and still have the strength to maintain and do things you could have never even dreamed of then you need to follow these tips in your 30s. 

Aging gracefully is not about reversing your age, it is about being truly happy and healthy in your skin. However, to age gracefully one needs to accept and embrace their life as it comes and also follow some steps religiously and make these changes a part of your lifestyle. 

Move Daily

Body muscle is the currency of looking young as one ages. Ironically women start losing their muscle mass gradually by the age of 30. Moving daily by exercising helps preserve the body muscles and maintain the lean mass in the body. Exercising also helps in building energy. In case you are lacking energy, that’s because you don't exercise enough. Exercising helps in maintaining the same kind of vigor throughout the day and keeps diseases at the bay. Moving daily will instantly improve the quality of your life and also help in increasing the quality of sleep. 

Keep Your Diet Clean

What you eat shows up in your body. Nutrition has a big role to play when it comes to maintaining yourself in the long run.  The food that we eat these days is loaded with unhealthy refined sugar and fats, so stay away from all those greasy junk foods. Several studies have shown that consuming a low-glycemic diet found in vegetables and fruits, lean protein and whole grains can help you slow down the aging process. According to the Japanese saying, eat only till eighth of your stomach’s capacity and not more than that. The secret to living long and aging gracefully is to not fill your stomach completely. 

Socialize With Your Loved Ones 

Spending quality time with your near and dear ones is important when it comes to the overall well being of a person. Studies show that people who don't have close and meaningful relationships age faster than those who don't have meaningful relationships. Loneliness has been linked to increased risk of catching diseases quickly and premature aging. Staying connected with people who matter to us helps in improving the quality of our life, and the feelings of fulfillment can foster a sense of belonging to the community.

Want to age gracefully in your 60’s? Do these in your 30’s.


Lower your Stress Levels

Stress that builds you up overtime can be seen in the body and it becomes more notorious as you age. This oxidative stress causes premature aging and wrinkles and can even affect the health of your heart. This stress then accumulates over time and causes the body to age faster than usual. One can relieve stress through various means by practicing meditation, breathing exercises and yoga. Try joining classes for your hobbies and relieve your stress through the same. If not then find new hobbies to keep you busy and add the much needed spark in life. 

Prioritize your Mental Health 

Prioritize your mental health by practicing mindfulness in life and you will live much gracefully. Aging gracefully is linked to the mental health of the individual. Prioritizing mental health adds a lot to the way an individual looks. A woman who is happy from inside looks happier on the outside. It requires a lot of inner work and doing small things improves one’s mental health. Doing things you enjoy, accepting things you can’t change and investing in meaningful relationships are some of the things that can elevate your mental health. 

Quit Alcohol and Cigarettes 

Smoking and alcohol is linked to premature aging. The more toxic substance you put in the body the more it will show on the face as you age. The toxic overload in the body often leads to not feeling good and aging faster. If you smoke regularly then consider replacing this habit with a healthy habit. Reserve drinking only for special occasions and quit drinking on weekends and avoid binge drinking at all costs. 

Want to age gracefully in your 60’s? Do these in your 30’s.

Source: Redbook

Sleep Like A Baby

Your sleep hygiene matters a lot and having a good night’s sleep is crucial to one’s mental health and physical health. How much sleep one would need depends on various factors, but a healthy individual would need around 7 to 8 hours of sleep. If you are sleeping well, and are getting enough rest then you increase the chance of aging better. 

Increase Skincare and Reduce Makeup

Wearing makeup occasionally is fine but if you apply makeup and don’t take care of your skin then your skin might age faster, so avoid makeup on a daily basis and switch to a good skin care routine instead. Use a gentle cleanser, add in some exfoliators and moisturizers, and you are good to go. 


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